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Healing Stones

Lead With Healing

Beginning in May 2023, DOVE will co-create with frontline activists to build a healing program for themselves and other community organizers, activists, leaders, etc. As the creators, they will be the first co-hort to experience the program they build. If you are interested in being part of the first co-hort of builders, please fill out this interest form.

Group therapy

Helpers Help

Beginning in May 2023, DOVE will co-create with mental health practitioners, services and support to help to practitioners that are focused on serving our most vulnerable community members. To do that, we need to hear from practitioners. If you are a practitioner, please take a few minutes to fill out this survey to help our team identify what you need and ways that we can support.


  • What you can expect from Helpers’ Helpers:

    • DOVE Standards or Care (will come with training and skill building opportunities)

    • Mental Health Practitioner Resource Directory (for practitioners to be listed in and receive active referrals from)

    • …and more to be determined by survey results

Online Class

Training and Education

DOVE is dedicated to building and delivering FREE (or low cost) education and skill building opportunities through trainings, workshops and classes to help build the capacity of community members to take care of themselves and their neighbors.  Currently, DOVE is offering Mental Health First Aid Training (MHFA) to individuals and organizations/community groups/churches/etc.


If you are interested in bringing MHFA training to your organization, community group, church, etc., click here to connect with our team to start planning.


Stay tuned for a list of opportunities and dates for upcoming learning opportunities.


If you have suggestions on topics that need to be covered, please feel free to reach out to us and let us know.

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